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 1. Al Filreis, Bob Perlman, Kristin Gallagher, and Shawn Walker  "To Elsie" Symposium  Kelly Writers House UPenn, Philadelphia, PA; July 8, 1999 
 2. William Carlos Williams  To Elsie  University of California, Los Angeles; November 15, 1950  
 3. William Carlos Williams  To Elsie  Reading for the National Council of Teachers of English and Columbia University Press Contemporary Poets series. January 9, 1942  
 4. William Carlos Williams  To Elsie  Library of Congress Recording Laboratory; May 5, 1945  
 5. William Carlos Williams  To Elsie  Reading for the National Council of Teachers of English and Columbia University Press Contemporary Poets series. January 9, 1942  
 6. A Century of Heroes  Elsie H. McEvoy  A Century of Heroes 
 7. A Century of Heroes  Elsie H. McEvoy  A Century of Heroes 
 8. Brothers Grimm  33 - Clever Elsie  Grimm's Fairy Tales 
 9. Catherine Helen Spence  23 - Elsie Accepts Of A New Situation  Mr Hogarth's Will 
 10. Catherine Helen Spence  45 - Elsie Melville's Letter  Mr Hogarth's Will 
 11. Catherine Helen Spence  23 - Elsie Accepts Of A New Situation  Mr Hogarth's Will 
 12. Chubby Checker  Lazy Elsie Molly  Parkway Records 45, 1964  
 13. Catherine Helen Spence  22 - Elsie Refuses An Excellent Offer  Mr Hogarth's Will 
 14. Catherine Helen Spence  14 - Elsie's Literary Venture, and Its Success  Mr Hogarth's Will 
 15. Catherine Helen Spence  22 - Elsie Refuses An Excellent Offer  Mr Hogarth's Will 
 16. Catherine Helen Spence  35 - Mr. Brandon's Second Proposal To Elsie, And Its Fate  Mr Hogarth's Will 
 17. Catherine Helen Spence  35 - Mr. Brandon's Second Proposal To Elsie, And Its Fate  Mr Hogarth's Will 
 18. Catherine Helen Spence  14 - Elsie's Literary Venture, and Its Success  Mr Hogarth's Will 
 19. Elsie Escobar  Elsie's Yoga Class Update!  Elsie's Yoga Class: Live and Unplugged 
 20. Razing Beauty  Symposium  August 
 21. Full cast  Symposium  NA338312 
 22. Conflict  Feedback Symposium  This is Phoenix Not The Circle Jerks 
 23. Lenore Walker  Division 56 Symposium   
 24. Conflict  Feedback Symposium  This is Phoenix Not The Circle Jerks 
 25. BYU Broadcasting  BYU Sperry Symposium  BYU Sperry Symposium 
 26. Larry Johnson  Symposium Closing  2009 NMC Symposium on New Media & Learning 
 27. BYU Broadcasting  BYU Sperry Symposium  BYU Sperry Symposium 
 28. ChrisMenzel NIST Ontolog  OntologySummit2007 Symposium FormalOntologistPerspectives  OntologySummit2007 AudioArchive 
 29. Hannahan & Kalluri  CSHL 70th Symposium   
 30. D. Lane  CSHL 70th Symposium   
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